Front-Running Excuses

An easy way to destroy excuses.


At the end of this email you’ll know the following:

  • Why excuses are so dangerous.

  • How Front-Running can help you.

  • How to start Front-Running excuses.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 51 seconds

(In the last email we talked about using Habit Stacking to easily build habits. To read it click here.)

Hey friend,

Have you ever noticed how your mind can be your biggest obstacle to success?

When you set goals for yourself, your inner critic often pops up, whispering excuses and doubts that derail your progress.

Imagine you're determined to hit the gym every day.

But as Monday morning rolls around, you're hit with tiredness and low energy.

Your mind starts giving you excuses:

"It's too early,"

"I'm too tired,"

"I'll just skip this one and go hard tomorrow."

These excuses might seem harmless, but they can quickly snowball into a pattern of self-sabotage.

You'll convince yourself that one missed workout won't make a difference.

But before you know it, you've fallen off the wagon completely…

What if there was a way to outsmart your inner saboteur and keep your progress on track?

Enter the concept of "front-running excuses."



Front-running excuses are proactive strategies to address potential roadblocks before they even arise.

Instead of waiting for your mind to throw up excuses,

you identify them ahead of time and create pre-programmed responses.

Picture this:

You wake up on Monday morning, feeling a bit sluggish.

Instead of letting your mind take over, you remember your statement:

"If I feel tired, I'll splash some cold water on my face and immediately head to the gym."

This simple if-then statement breaks the chain of excuses and gets you moving.

It's like having a secret weapon to neutralize your inner critic.

Don't let the simplicity of front-running excuses fool you.

It's a proven strategy for staying on track and achieving your goals.



How to Frontrun Your Excuses:

  1. Identify your common excuses. 

    What are the things that usually hold you back? Make a list of all the excuses that prevent you from taking action.

  2. Develop frontrunning statements. 

    For each excuse on your list, create a pre-programmed if-then response. Instead of passively letting excuses derail you, have a proactive plan to address them.

  3. Practice your frontrunning statements. 

    Repeat your frontrunning statements to yourself regularly. The more familiar they become, the easier it will be to implement them when the time comes.



Here's the thing about excuses:

They're only as powerful as you allow them to be.

The moment you start to believe them, they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But the moment you challenge them, you can break free from their grip.

So, the next time you find yourself making an excuse, take a deep breath and pause.

Ask yourself,

"Is this really true? Or am I just trying to sabotage myself?"

And then, replace that excuse with an if-then statement.

Take control of your narrative, take control of your actions, and take control of your destiny.


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As always, thanks for reading, and keep grinding. ♠️

Your #1 fan,

- Elevate “FrontRunner” Start


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