5 "Hacks" To Build Discipline.

How to build discipline more effectively using hacks.

In this Elevation:

  • 🏋️ 5 “hacks” to build discipline.

Read time: 4 minutes


“Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.”

John C. Maxwell

What’s up hustlers,

Though it’s not easy to build discipline, there are some “hacks” we can utilize to build discipline more effectively…

So today we are going to be taking a look at 5 simple “hacks” that you can use to build discipline.

Sounds good? let’s dive in…

#1 Environment:

Create a supportive environment by removing distractions and setting up a space that promotes focus and productivity. Easier said than done, I know…

By setting up an environment optimized for discipline, we can stay on track and accomplish our goals more effectively.

#2 Accountability: 

Find a trusted friend or join a community that holds you accountable for your actions and progress. Share your goals and receive encouragement along the way!

When we have someone or a community that holds us accountable, we are more likely to stay disciplined and follow through with our actions.

#3 Mindset: 

Adopt a growth mindset that sees challenges as opportunities for growth. Celebrate small wins and focus on progress over perfection.

Celebrating progress, however small, and focusing on developing instead of seeking perfection, allows us to keep a positive and resilient mindset that enhances our discipline.

#4 Self-care: 

Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and engage in regular exercise.

Self-care is crucial because it directly impacts our ability to stay disciplined. It makes sure we have the energy, focus, and mental clarity necessary to maintain discipline and accomplish our goals.

#5 Breaking Down Goals: 

Break your goals into smaller, manageable tasks.

By dividing them into bite-sized steps, you make them less overwhelming and easier to tackle. Breaking down goals empowers you to maintain discipline and progress steadily towards success.


If you want to build good habits and break bad old ones, I highly recommend you check out Atomic Habits by James Clear. It is a great book and it’s proven to work and indeed worked for me as well.

You can listen to the audiobook for free if you sign up for a free Audible trial or you can just buy a physical copy on Amazon. Either way it’s a must read

So to sum it all up…

Create an environment that supports discipline, embrace accountability, cultivate a growth mindset, prioritize self-care, and break down your goals.

Remember, discipline takes practice and patience. Celebrate every step forward and stay committed to your journey.

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